The string family is the largest family of instruments on stage and includes violin, viola, cello, double bass, and harp. There are more than 40 players in the string section of the orchestra because it takes many strings to create a balanced sound with the rest of the ensemble. Instruments of the string family are made of wood and have strings which are played by using a bow or by plucking.
Learn more about each instrument and musicians that play them below. Use the buttons to move to a different instrument family and download our supplementary PopsEd student guides.
Violin – Cenovia Cummins, Concertmaster
Viola – Orlando Wells
Cello – David Heiss
Bass – Jeffrey Carney
Harp – Anna Reinersman
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The New York Pops wishes to thank The Leir Foundation for their generous support of Kids in the Balcony.
This program is funded, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.